Most hair loss & thinning concerns are genetically predisposed and leaving concerns untreated causes hair follicles to shrink further over time.
Eventually become obsolete, leaving surgery & harmful medications to appear as the only "real" solution...

The only at-home device utilizing 4 clinically proven methods to provide an effective all-in-one solution, finally resolving all hair concerns naturally with no side effects.
Whether you're experiencing hair thinning, hair loss or even scalp/root damage... Alments Trichologist made & approved HairRevive is the most effective proven way to maximize hair and scalp health.
Achieve Thicker
Healthier Hair
Hair loss & thinning come from an overproduction in the hormone DHT occurring in both men and women. This hormone blocks your hair follicle’s nutrient absorption and energy levels shifting hairs from the growing phase to the resting phase.

This makes hair follicles dormant as they go through miniaturization, becoming thinner and more fragile until eventually the hair follicle is fully lost... meaning hairs are unable to grow back.